by jessicaperkins | Dec 2, 2015 | advent, book, Book a day, books, calendar, childhood unplugged, Christmas, countdown, countdown to christmas, december, holiday, mamamayi, mamamayijoy, mamamayishop, read, reading, Sensory, sensory kids
Day 3All things FancyFancy Nancy Splendiferous ChristmasFancy Nancy is a favorite in our house because we enjoy getting all fancied up! We joke that Layla is Ooo La Layla because she can often be found adding sparkles, boas, tiaras, glasses, to her outfits for...
by jessicaperkins | Dec 1, 2015 | advent, book, Book a day, books, calendar, childhood unplugged, Christmas, countdown, countdown to christmas, december, holiday, mamamayi, mamamayijoy, mamamayishop, read, reading, Sensory, sensory kids
The Berenstain Bears and the Joy of GivingDay 2The Joy of GivingWe used this book to talk about what it FEELS like to GIVE. Is Giving Happy or Sad?Warm or Cold?How does it make you feel?heartThen we used this printable from Tatertots & Jello to add to...
by jessicaperkins | Nov 17, 2015 | color, colors, experiment, KidArt, Kidsart, kidscience, mamamayi, MamaMayILearn, mamamayishop, mixing, play, toddler, totschool, unplugged
Lincoln couldn’t get enough of this invitation. He played and squeezed until it was gone and then wanted more. So we emptied and reloaded and he works again. Until we had no more baking soda. <3#MamaMayiCreate #MamaMayiLearn #MamaMayi #MamaMayiShop...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 23, 2015 | bravewriter, homeschool, homeschooling, kid writing, mamamayi, mamamayishop, play, pretend, unschool, unschooling, writing
Sometimes I completely stress out about “unschooling” … Letting my child lead the way. Sometimes I wonder Am I doing enough?Is she doing enough?Is she on par?It seems silly, when I slow down and actually think about it. Silly because all...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 19, 2015 | gratitude, gratitudejournal, homeschool, homeschooling, journal, mamamayi, MamaMayIMindfulnKids, mamamayishop, thankfulness, Thanksgiving, unschool, unschooling
What is Gratitude? – Gratitude is the ability to BE thankful and appreciative. Why is Gratitude important? – Gratitude is important because it brings us back to center…it brings us back to kindness. It allows us to BE in the presence of our...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 18, 2015 | art, dirt, home made, homemade, homeschool, homeschooling, k-cups, KidsInTheKitchen, kitchen, mamamayi, MamaMayiMake, mamamayishop, play dough, playdough, science, unschool, unschooling
My 2-year old loves dirt. He loves digging in dirt.Diggers in dirt.To find worms in dirt.To scoop dirt.To jump in dirt mixed with water.Dirt.He is also infatuated with finding ants and bugs and worms in dirt.So when I was perusing the Halloween aisle and happened...