by jessicaperkins | Oct 18, 2015 | art, dirt, home made, homemade, homeschool, homeschooling, k-cups, KidsInTheKitchen, kitchen, mamamayi, MamaMayiMake, mamamayishop, play dough, playdough, science, unschool, unschooling
My 2-year old loves dirt. He loves digging in dirt.Diggers in dirt.To find worms in dirt.To scoop dirt.To jump in dirt mixed with water.Dirt.He is also infatuated with finding ants and bugs and worms in dirt.So when I was perusing the Halloween aisle and happened...
by jessicaperkins | Apr 18, 2011 | cooking, craft, dessert, dirt, food, kitchen, project, pudding, recipe, Spring, theme, tot school
In our Spring unit we have been doing a lot of work with bugs, worms, dirt, compost, etc. One rainy day I was looking for something to do with Buga and remembered this recipe from my childhood and thought it would be appropriate for our Spring theme….not to...