by jessicaperkins | Oct 23, 2015 | bravewriter, homeschool, homeschooling, kid writing, mamamayi, mamamayishop, play, pretend, unschool, unschooling, writing
Sometimes I completely stress out about “unschooling” … Letting my child lead the way. Sometimes I wonder Am I doing enough?Is she doing enough?Is she on par?It seems silly, when I slow down and actually think about it. Silly because all...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 31, 2011 | apothecary, brew, dress up, fall, halloween, holiday, imagination, kitchen, marketing, mixture, preschool, pretend, Sensory, sensory bin, texture, totschool, witch
Witch’s Apothecarypretend kitchen play, dabbling in chemistry, creative thinking, Halloween fun.A while back – at the beginning of the Halloween season, I came across some “specimen jars” used for decoration. I loved the spooky, eerie thought...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 28, 2011 | fear, game, halloween, match, matching, monster, play, preschool, pretend, totschool
With Halloween quickly approaching I thought it would be fun to have fun with Monsters – the Cute, Friendly Monster Kinds. See, Buga is actually afraid of monsters lately. She thinks they live in our house and in her room. She conjures up these stories about...
by jessicaperkins | May 18, 2011 | business, counting, directions, flower, homeschool, math, natural play, numbers, pretend, role play, shop, sorting, Spring, store, theme, tot school
Our Spring Time theme certainly brought out the flowers! We have been reading a lot of stories about gardens, flowers, and colors. We have also been watching the flowers bloom around us. When I bought a rainbow of flowers for Buga’s sensory bin I made sure to...
by jessicaperkins | Apr 7, 2011 | activity, art, box, car, cardboard, drawing, homeschool, imagination, play, pretend, project, School, sculpture, tot
With a little imagination, This:cardboard boxBecomes this:personal driving machineBuga found a cardboard box. She pretended to drive it like a car.So we decided to cover it in easel paper, decorate it…and turn it into a car.I added a side-car snack holder so she...
by jessicaperkins | Mar 30, 2011 | activity, art, bug, bugs, drawing, hands on learning, home school, insect, natural play, pretend, science, sensory bin, tot school
As an extension of our Sensory Bin…and an extension of our Bug Find Game within the Sensory Bin, we decided to Draw the bugs we saw….and make up our own bugs!I was shocked by how wonderful and creative Buga was at creating these bugs. I wasn’t sure...