Jessica Perkins

Me Time – Mindful Moments with Mama May i

Me Time – Mindful Moments with Mama May i

I underestimated Me Time. I did not know how STARVED I was for Me Time until life circumstances created an opportunity for it to exist. At first I didn't know what to do with myself. Like so many other women, I think, I constantly fill every bit of meridian time with...

Feature Friday – Flutterfly Streamers

Feature Friday – Flutterfly Streamers

  Feature Friday : Flutterfly Streamers After spending a lot of time engaged in rainbows and sensory play outside this week, I couldn't help but feature the Flutterfly Streamers as our Friday Featured Product. We keep ours in our rhythm and movement bin (in the...

Feature Friday – Flutterfly Streamers

Feature Friday – Flutterfly Streamers

Feature Friday : Flutterfly Streamers After spending a lot of time engaged in rainbows and sensory play outside this week, I couldn't help but feature the Flutterfly Streamers as our Friday Featured Product. We keep ours in our rhythm and movement bin (in the living...

Mama May I Mindful Moments

Mama May I Mindful Moments

You guys.... I Mommed so hard today. We were up. Early. And I seized the day - even though I feel like junk. We were at the park by 9:30 with water bottles and snacks for a few hours. We played. I sat. I played. I watched. We had lunch out. Ran an errand. Dropped...

Preparing Siblings for a New Baby

Preparing Little Ones for the Labor and Birth of a New Sibling*THROW BACK POST. I AM NOT CURRENTLY PREGNANT BUT THIS QUESTION COMES UP ENOUGH FOR ME TO REPOST IT* I am pregnant with a little one who will make his or her debut sometime in July. Our baby will have two...

Magic in Childhood – Mindful Moments with Mama May i

Magic in Childhood – Mindful Moments with Mama May i

I woke up at 4:44 this morning to what sounded like cars and motorcycles drag racing down our bus route street.  Do you remember as children, when all the digits aligned on the clock you could make a wish? So that's just what I did. ✨ I remember how magical it was to...

Our Summer Bookshelf

Our Summer Bookshelf

Children's books have always delighted and excited me. I have many fond memories of curling up with a book while my Mom read to us. I hope this is something my children will fondly cherish as they get older. I have a collection of children's books that is consuming my...

Mama May I Play and Grow

Mama May I Play and Grow

I am working on some new graphics for #mamamayi and I am so excited about them! In line with my bigger vision of Connecting Through Play. Connecting with Self. Connecting with Partners. Connecting with Family. Connecting with Children. And giving young people more...

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