Shedding can be extremely uncomfortable. Leaning into that discomfort can be terrifying when you intentionally choose not to cover it up with unhealthy coping mechanisms. We squirm and wriggle to set free the old and the new skins begins to grow - super sensitive and...
Jessica Perkins
BlogSorry is as Sorry DOES
Don't Tell Me You're Sorry. SHOW me you are sorry. Actions speak far louder than words ever could. Words are useless without action, they are just words - empty promises waiting to be filled with doing. If you really are sorry, say it - but then show you're willing to...
Today. Today has been an incredibly difficult emotional day. And physical day. And mental day. There have been so many big emotions - mostly everyone's - and tears (mostly mine). There was lots of acting out - lots of consoling - lots of hugs - Lots of have-tos. And...
Give Yourself Some Credit – Mindful Moments with Mama May i
Share your story. We are ON THE GO so much I often wonder where all the time goes and why I'm so tired. If it's just an individual person to get out the door this may be ... easier ... but with 3 spirited littles every single transition has the potential to be {time...
How is YOUR Magic of Summer Photo Journal Adventure Going?
Here are some of our Magic of Summer Photos from this year! This is a call for photographers of all ages to share YOUR Magic of Summer Photos on Facebook and IG. Let's Play! If you don't already know, we are in the middle of our Magic of Summer Photo-journaling...
Feature Friday – Color Sorting Play Set
This is one of my all time favorite things we make. Our Sensory Color Sorting Play Set is so versatile and fun to explore.Every time you put it together it's like a new piece of artwork -little vignettes of color as you layer and place each piece. Sensory...
What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander – Mindful Moments with Mama May i
What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander. What We DO Means More Than What We SAY. I'm not exactly sure where this phrase came from but I always remember my Mom saying this growing up and am finding it ever more relevant as I age and parent my own little...
Feature Friday – Silkies – Play Silks
Feature Friday : Silkies : Play Scarves My little ones play with these play scarves e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y. We use them in movement and rhythm and dancing. We use then in pretend play (often the blue becomes the water when they play "going to the beach")...the green is...
You Are What You Do – Mindful Moments with Mama May i
You Are What You DO. One Action at a Time. Reflecting and meditating on this one right now. Looking around me. At myself. At people who say they are "friends". At family who says they "will always be there." This is such a trick - to SAY you are something... but if...
Sometimes We Have to Break
If I had told myself I would be grateful for the hardest days of my life I wouldn't have believed me. When you feel so broken, so at the bottom, life seems hopeless. I felt helpless. Alone. Isolated. Like no one understood me. Not even myself. If you wade through the...
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