by jessicaperkins | Oct 30, 2011 | art, coloring, craft, fall, glue, halloween, Language, poem, preschool, project, seasonal, totschool
A Haunted Halloween Project. Buga and I made this Haunted House project (Thanks, Mom!) as one of our Art projects. There were two sections to color – the top of the house and the bottom. Buga REALLY wanted us to color the house, together – which I try not...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 28, 2011 | fear, game, halloween, match, matching, monster, play, preschool, pretend, totschool
With Halloween quickly approaching I thought it would be fun to have fun with Monsters – the Cute, Friendly Monster Kinds. See, Buga is actually afraid of monsters lately. She thinks they live in our house and in her room. She conjures up these stories about...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 28, 2011 | activity, art, autumn, candy, fall, favor, gift, halloween, preschool, project, totschool
While in the bathroom at my parent’s house, I noticed a ton of empty toilet paper tubes…..and inspiration struck! I know, an interesting beginning to a craft story….Anyway, I remember seeing / making “poppers” – goody favors inside...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 21, 2011 | milestone, preschool, School, wordless
I am a big believer in “Meet your child where’s she at.” In my case, this meant enrolling my 3-year-old in PreSchool. Sure, I chose to stay home to be with her…but she really needs this space to socialize, interact, and explore without Mama at...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 18, 2011 | autumn, bin, fall, leaf, leaves, preschool, Sensory, toddler, totschool
It’s Sensory Bin Time! Oh how I love the open-endedness of a sensory bin. I love how many different skills can be practiced with a little bit of imagination and a box of “stuff”. I always enjoy creating these things, it’s a lot of fun for me to...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 14, 2011 | activity, art, face, fall, halloween, preschool, pumpkin, totschool
A Simple Activity that gave me some extra time in the kitchen to get dinner finished.Halloween themed and fun.I found foam pumpkins in the Dollar spot at Target.I also found face stickers.Put them together and you get a study of faces…What makes a face? What...