October 18, 2011

Autumn Sensory Bin

It’s Sensory Bin Time! Oh how I love the open-endedness of a sensory bin. I love how many different skills can be practiced with a little bit of imagination and a box of “stuff”. I always enjoy creating these things, it’s a lot of fun for me to make and then I love watching how Buga plays with them and how she uses the things she discovers. It’s like opening a present every time we sit down to play.
Today we were making pie with the apples; going to the Farm stand to buy gourds; making a picnic with the food and leaves; and going on a treasure hunt to find “coins”
(the little wooden circles).

I always make sure to have some kind of containers (buckets, compartments, cups, boxes, whatever) and I always try to include some kind of shovel and/or scoop. The rest is seasonally related. I usually do a Halloween themed one, too – – but for now it’s Autumn. So Much Fun!

Here is what you will find in our Autumn Sensory Bin this Season:
Rake (to rake the leaves, of course!)
Apples (different sizes to put in size order and make apple pies)
Measuring Cups (not pictures)
Gourds and Pumpkins in different colors, shapes, and sizes (to match/group similar items)
Leaves (pretend so they stay “fresh” – in 4 colors – green, red, orange, yellow)
Round Stick Segments to add texture and counting

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