Jessica Perkins

Feed The Good

Feed The Good

When I was young I loved words. I had a binder of page protectors filled with word and pictures clippings from magazines, newspapers, and advertisements. Clips & Phrases I called the binder. Words have always been a huge part of my life. Magnetic poetry. Found...

The Only Way Out is Through

The Only Way Out is Through

I received this beautiful hand-lettered print from @this_unscripted_life Lizzy at the Mindful Women Retreat this weekend that she and Sheila from @sheilapai.alivingfamily hosted. I keep trying to remind myself of these words. The last couple days since the retreat...

Growth Is Not Usually Comfortable

Growth Is Not Usually Comfortable

Sometimes we run from it.  Sometimes we avoid it.  Sometimes we cover it up with work, or food, or drugs, or alcohol, or things.  We do everything we can to shake away the discomfort.  If only we could learn to lean into it instead.  That's the metamorphosis.  That's...

I Have Been Here Before and I Will Be Here Again

I Have Been Here Before and I Will Be Here Again

I have been here before and I will be here again. My life. Right now. Is stuck. In survival mode. Survival. I want to make my way to thrival. But this feels so freaking comfortable. Just surviving. I know I have it in me to thrive again. I know I have it in me to HELP...

Bloom Where I am Planted

Bloom Where I am Planted

Bloom Where I Am Planted.  This is one of those grounding reminders  that everything is unfolding exactly as it is supposed to be.  Even if it doesn't feel "right".  I'm exactly where I'm supposed to.  My path.  My journey.  Plant myself.  Be grounded.  Bloom into my...

My favorite color – beet

My favorite color – beet

  If you asked what my favorite color is I would say BEET.  Like the vegetable.  The actual color, the way the color bleeds on my white plates,  the way the color mixes with dressing,  the way the color turns my goat cheese.  All shades of beet.  Seriously,...



Onward. Forward. Moving. Go. Don't stop. Just step. One tiny bit of momentum in the right direction. You've got this Soul-Sister. Take a deep breath. Tummy mountain rise. Exhale. Onward. Rise up.

Fairy Play Dough Magic

Fairy Play Dough Magic

We made the most beautiful #fairy dough today! I added a whole jar of fine pink glitter to our dry ingredients before adding the wet ingredients. We also made it lavender scented. It's so whimsical. These star ⭐️ and heart ? confetti is just for the photo. It came...

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