by jessicaperkins | Aug 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
I loved this visual from Beacon House so much that I drew it in my journal as a reminder. A visual of the way in which a young person’s brain develops. They cannot reach their higher order functioning for awhile. 1. The first part that develops is the brain stem...
by jessicaperkins | Aug 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
My Loves. Kindness. Choose kindness. Be kindness. Promote kindness. Embrace kindness. Nurture kindness. Being kind is not the same thing as “being nice”. It’s about being respectful – even in disagreement. It’s about being a team. Working together....
by jessicaperkins | Aug 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
When I’m IN it – in the thick of parenting, dealing with a meltdown, tantrum, or power struggle…. in the moment…. sometimes it’s hard to remember that these big, intense behaviors are usually and almost always, actually, a sign of...
by jessicaperkins | Aug 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
One of the guideposts to living @theplayfullway is to Practice Intuitive Knowing. This is the idea of following your feet-following your joy-listening to your Soul’s radio station and making choices from that space with intuition or gut – without much...
by jessicaperkins | Aug 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
I am getting some things prepped for the school year and the return of children. I have been giving a LOT of thought lately to intentions. Speaking the things we want in life. In the universe. In our micro environments. In our relationships. During our set the week...
by jessicaperkins | Aug 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
The kids had a long day at camp today. Being “on” for 6+ hours, socializing, reigning in big energy, focusing, frustrated, auditory stimulation, sensory overload —— meant that when they got home their energy spiked. It was like they couldn’t contain themselves. It...