by jessicaperkins | Apr 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
MOMMY, MOMMY, WILL YOU PLAY WITH ME? Hearing these words usually comes with a bit of biting my tongue. Even for me, the Mom who believes whole-heartedly IN the value of play. Even for me, the Mom who has built a career around designing Play things. Even for me,...
by jessicaperkins | Apr 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
Mommy, Mommy, Will you play with Me? Hearing these words usually comes with a bit of biting my tongue. Even for me, the Mom who believes whole-heartedly IN the value of play. Even for me, the Mom who has built a career around designing Play things. Even for me, the...
by jessicaperkins | Feb 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
8 Self Love & Self Care Rituals (that you can do with your kids) Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Mind. Body. Spirit. Be the love. Be the change. Light your flame so others feel inspired to light their own. We need more light workers and magic...
by jessicaperkins | Jan 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
One of the cornerstones of living life The PlayFULL Way is collaboration. We are not meant to be single, solitary human beings trekking this world alone. We are primed to be in connection. In connection with ourSELVES and in connection with each other. “We...
by jessicaperkins | Jan 15, 2019 | self love, selfcare, Uncategorized
Y’all. I opened my 10-year old’s lunch box this evening and found THIS. She packed herself lunch this morning. THIS IS WHAT IT’S ABOUT. ? in this moment I was reminded of where I’ve been, where I am, and where I’m going. In this instant my life’s work – Mama May...
by jessicaperkins | Jan 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
Let go. Trust the process. Lean into the fall. Free yourself from every and all things that have held you, strained you, chained you. Soar. Glide. Or the less graceful fall… whatever it takes to fly. Let go. Trust your wings will take you where you were meant to...