We have been reading stories and doing story art projects a lot this Spring. I like that we are exploring different types of materials and relating them to books we’ve read. It helps build story-telling skills, memory, and most of all comprehension. Buga likes to experiment with art when I let her get messy and one of her FAVORITE things to do right now is Cut….so Iincorporated cutting into this project.
What you will need:
– 1 piece of background construction paper (we used white)
– 1 half piece of green construction paper – cut the length of the paper (long and skinny)
– I marked lines about every inch on this green paper as “cutting lines” and
made “stopping dots” about 3/4 of the way down
– Other construction paper to use for collaging
– glue (we used a glue stick)
– scissors
– crayons, markers, or colored pencils
– sheet of insect stickers
1. Buga practiced cutting on the straight grass “lines”
2. On the line drawn side, I made a crayon line where she was to put the glue.
She glued along the strip. Flipped it over and placed the grass at the bottom of the background construction paper.
3. She put the stickers around the picture – she hide some in the grass…

…and made a little insect “family” in above the grass on the right.
She had a whole little story as to why they were together.

4. I cut out one flower. She glued it on….she cut out more object on her own (sticks and branches)
5. She continued to decorate her picture with crayons. She made a sun in the background (difficult to see but it’s right under the flower), grass lines, and sky lines….
It is now on our fridge. She showed it to Daddy as soon as he got home from work.