by jessicaperkins | Oct 11, 2011 | day, picture, rain, rainy, wordless
Turn a Rainy Day into a Rainbow Day with a smile and a little puddle jumping 🙂
by jessicaperkins | Oct 5, 2011 | circle, photo, picture, target
I posted about the amazing, fabulous, never missed, or passed up Target Circle once before…but because Buga is still so intrigued by its greatness I decided it was due another post… I can’t go into the Target store without first letting her sit...
by jessicaperkins | Aug 12, 2011 | art, artwork, crayon, drawing, picture
Buga drew this picture of a “shark” after a recent outing to the “aquary-min”. I thought it was surprisingly accurate and I love looking back on these little masterpieces.
by jessicaperkins | Apr 26, 2011 | art, artwork, book, collage, crayons, cutting, drawing, glue, homeschool, literature, picture, project, scissors, tall tall grass, tot school
We have been reading stories and doing story art projects a lot this Spring. I like that we are exploring different types of materials and relating them to books we’ve read. It helps build story-telling skills, memory, and most of all comprehension. Buga likes...
by jessicaperkins | Apr 1, 2011 | moments, picture, special, wordless
I think Buga is Nesting….just like her Mama.
by jessicaperkins | Mar 15, 2011 | 3 year old, art, artwork, child, doodle, family, people, picture, portrait, whiteboard
Buga drew this picture of Daddy on the white board yesterday….He even has glasses! It started as a Daddy-Drawing and…‎…ended up as a Family Portrait. I love how she is “on top” – I think on Daddy’s shoulders. When she drew me...