I Matter

I Matter

I Matter. My truth matters. My experience matters. My story matters. Listen up. Lean in. I am you. You are me. We are each our own and each other. ?
Dare to Lead – at HOME

Dare to Lead – at HOME

I LOVE how applicable @brenebrown’s work in Dare to Lead is as applicable AT HOME as it is IN BUSINESS. When I think of #businessculture and I think of #familyculture “the way we do things around here” I am reminded of how much I want it all to align in values...
The Short Self Care List

The Short Self Care List

Practicing mindfulness in small, practical bites. ❤️ breathing. Take up all the space. Connect to your breath. Take up the space. Its free, it’s there, and it’s supportive. ? gratitude is the pathway to joy – Brené Brown. The simple practice of gratitude rewires...
Welcome Baby!

Welcome Baby!

Earlier this month we welcomed a new baby into our family : At home. I am writing my birth story here for all of you who are like I am (I think there are quite a few) – who are birth story junkies 🙂 Lincoln’s Birth Story: Born at Home, With Love We’re...
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