by jessicaperkins | Oct 8, 2010 | action, activity, dinner, distraction, fish, frolic, in, mama may i shop,, play
Here is the Rainbow Fish Frolic in action. We were out to dinner and this proved to be a good distraction while we waited for our food!
by jessicaperkins | Oct 8, 2010 | colors, counting, fish, frolic, game, learning, mama may i shop,, natural, numbers, play, rainbow
Rainbow Fish FrolicFrolic with the Fishes … sort them … count them … catch them if you can!This colorful game is sure to delight your little nature-lover. Each set has ten Rainbow Fishjust waiting to be caught: counted, color-coded, and classified! It is the perfect...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 4, 2010 | bug, family, game, hunt, learning, night, play, time
We have been trying to come up with some fun family “game” activities now that Buga is getter big enough to play along. On this particular night we went on a bug hunt. I do a lot of different things with these plastic bugs, and I have done this with her...
by jessicaperkins | Sep 29, 2010 | baby, game, Giggle, learning, learning toy, mama may i shop,, natural, play, rainbow, Tickler, Tiny, wood, wooden
Tiny TicklerPlay a Giggle Game…So important is one-on-one interaction with your baby. With the Tiny Tickler you can play a simple giggle game with even the youngest of explorers. The Tiny Tickler will help your little one begin to understand where her body begins and...
by jessicaperkins | Sep 23, 2010 | blocks, building, house, mama may i shop,, natural, people, play, pretend, the family box, wood, wooden
I love when Buga comes up with new ways to play with the same toys. Sometimes I feel like we are so bombarded with *new* toys, we don’t take the time to really appreciate the abilities of our oldies-but-goodies. So when we got out our Rainbow Building Blocks and...
by jessicaperkins | Sep 17, 2010 | fun, game, learning,, natural, new product, phonics, play, School, starters, story, word, writing
Who? What? When? Where? … what about WHY?Tell me a story. YOU create the WHY.Storytelling is such a simple and beautiful tradition to share with your wee ones. With only the buttons and beeps and sounds of your own imagination, let these Story Starters inspire a...