by jessicaperkins | Oct 15, 2015 | autumn, fall, homeschool, KidArt, mamamayi, MamaMayiMake, mamamayishop, mindful parents, MindfulKids, mindfulness, nature, process art, unschool, unschooling, zentangle
We have been collecting leaves for a few weeks now and setting them in our Fall Nature Tray (on our kitchen table). We call them Nature Treasures and it’s ONE place we gladly add to our collection (so I don’t keep finding crunched up leaf debris at the...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 3, 2015 | art, fall, homeschool, kid, Kidsart, mindfulness, nature, oil pastels, study
Fall treasure studyMaize, pumpkins, and gourdsWe have really been enjoying the process of oil pastels these last few weeks. I forgot how much I like them! They were my favorite in grade school, high school, university, and beyond. Glad to have them resurface during...
by jessicaperkins | Aug 18, 2015 | books, children's book, homeschool, reading, things that go, train, trains, transportation
My youngest is a train enthusiast. He’s an anything-that-travels-by-wheels guru. He’s a figure-it-out-investigator. Let’s-see-how-this-works thinker. In a way that is more mechanical than my other two. They were interested. But he is...
by jessicaperkins | Aug 13, 2015 | homemade, homeschool, Ice cream, kitchen science, recipe, science
We went to the Carnegie Science Center last week and one of the demonstrations we saw was about how to make ice cream. It was a delicious experiment and my little chef was very interested in the science, discovery, and of course, the end result – taste-testing...
by jessicaperkins | Jul 10, 2015 | Broken wings, butterfly, homeschool, natural science, nature, Spring, unschool
I came out into the lanai to find my three little explorers huddled together looking at something. A butterfly. Limping around in a circle. Unable to fly. Three children rooting it on, despite watching it go nowhere for the past 15 minutes. Hopeful it would...
by jessicaperkins | Jun 17, 2015 | homeschool, real life math, unschool
After talking to the people ahead of her in line, she figured out who was riding alone and who was riding with a partner. Then turned around and said “Mom, there are five cars….so we’ll all get on this time!”#reallifemath