Buga loves to help out in the kitchen…so when I saw this idea in a parenting magazine I decided we would have to give it a try. It is so simple, but works fine motor skills, patience, and kitchen knowledge.
First I cut a watermelon into disks, maybe about 1/2 inch thick. Then Buga helped cut out shaps from the disk using a cookie cutter. Next she got to decorate!

I put plain yogurt (with a little honey added) into a mustard bottle I got from dollar store. This proved the perfect “squirter” for the yogurt icing because the spout was narrow enough to create a good icing line and the bottle was sturdy enough for a toddler to handle.
She then added colored sprinkles to the cookies. Her favorite part of the project was the icing bottle…sometimes she just squirt and squirt…her plate looked a big mess by the time we were done but she had fun.