January 11, 2018

Remember Your Triumph

Today the girls and I decided to GET MOVING. The cold is less cold, enough, that we felt we could handle some outside breathing and exercise. Lillian’s feet rode her 2 miles. She is a brand-new PEDAL bike rider…. so this was huge. Especially going on the terrain of left over snow remnants, muck, and mud. And Layla’s body walk/ran her 2 miles. We listened to music and danced and she helped me learn some “cool down” moves – arm circles, butt kicks, punches, and shoulder scrunches. While my sneakers were pounding the ground I couldn’t help but think about where I’ve been…. and where I’m headed. When we were in the thick of a run we goaded ourselves forward because it seemed like we couldn’t do it. But when I looked behind I reminded myself – and them – that not only were we actually already DOING it —— but look how far we had come! When you constantly look forward to the next goal, the next milestone, the next goalpost…. sometimes the mountain seems so high and hard to climb. In these moments, when you are exhausted, and overwhelmed and feel like you can’t do anymore … pause. Wait. Be gentle with yourself. And then take a peek in your rear view mirror. Look back, not to wallow …. but to triumph in all you have already accomplished. All you have already achieved. The journey you have already walked. Where have your feet taken you? Where has your strong, capable Spirit triumphed already? Say it. Aloud. In your head. Write that shit down. And let it settle. And then remind yourself…. they were moments. Tiny bits, one at a time, just like this one. You didn’t climb this high and far all at once. You did it, one step at a time. Minute by minute. Moment by moment. You’ve got this. Remember You Are Beautiful. You Are Worthy. You ARE DOING It. You’ve got this ? #mindfulness #mindfulmoments #mamamayimindfulness #mamamayi #mamamayishop #mindfulkids #mindfulmama #breathe #brave #bravingthewilderness #courageworks #reminders #youvegotthis #grow #love #onlylovetoday #parenting #mom #philly #handmade #homegrown #heart

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