How are your decisions creating the life you are living? It’s so freeing to me to think that I can change the things I don’t like by … deciding differently. And maybe I fail sometimes because, we all do…. but in the next moment I have another choice to create the life I desire. Every moment is a fresh start. The past is the past. Right here, right now…I can choose to face it, embrace it, offer my presence, gift my connection, share my vulnerability, open my heart, breathe deeply, reach out…. no moment matters more than THIS moment. And the choice I make right here, right now. If I don’t like it? I can’t change it. It seems almost unrealistically simplistic. But it’s #truth. If I don’t like it, I can change it with THIS choice, THIS next decision, THIS new moment. That’s power. #power #empower #live #love #connect #mindful #mindfulness #mindfulmama #mindfulkids #mindfulmoments #mamamayi #mamamayishop #mamamayimindfulmoments