by jessicaperkins | Mar 23, 2011 | color, hands on learning, homeschool, ladybug, Mama May i, mama may i shop, mamamayi, mamamayishop,, montessori, number, sorting, tot school
Look What Landed Just In Time For Spring at !Simply a Color Sorting Mat? Not quite. There is so much room for color and number exploration with these whimsical Springtime Learning Lady Bugs. Teach: Colors, Complimentary Colors, Numbers, One-to-One...
by jessicaperkins | Feb 13, 2011 | builder, building, day, february, fine motor, hands on learning, homeschool, lesson, montessori, play, School, skill, tot, Valentine, valentines
This is such a simple task….especially for a 3 year old! But I love the idea of hearing her count the hearts as the plunk into the tub. I also like watching her as she unscrews the lid to dump them all out and start over again. This would be a great fine motor...
by jessicaperkins | Jan 26, 2011 | activity, bin, day, educational, february, fun, hands on learning, ideas, Sensory, tactile, texture, toddler, tot, tub, valentines
More Sensory Bin Excitement!Yes, it’s true, we are putting all the “Valentine’s Day” things out. Our house is decorated, our centers are accessible, and Buga is having a wonderful time enjoy the love. I put out this new Sensory Bin and she...