Cutest Little Hat!!

The other day we received a package in the mail from our very dear friend Carrie. Layla opened the parcel to find some very crafty packages inside. One of these perfect presents contained an ADORABLE…and I mean adorable….hand knit hat for Layla. The colors...

Ketchup Love

Uncle Jonathan used to eat ketchup sandwiches; cover his pancakes; waffles….ketchup was not just an accessory – it was the main dish. He would be proud. Layla dipping her fingers because the ketchup just tastes so good.

Cookie Time

One of my holiday traditions is making Christmas cookies. I was so excited to share this tradition with Layla. My Mom had a great idea in finding these little, mini, icing gel tubes – small and easy enough for little hands to manipulate, squeeze, and draw....

Snow Day

The Snow in the suburbs is still around on Christmas Day…and Layla finally has snow boots! So she put them on, along with her “baby suit” (her word for snowsuit) and stepped out into the fresh, untouched snow. Uncle Jonathan was a trooper and...

Fruit Looping

A great little project to encourage fine motor coordination – Fruit Loop “Garland”. I chose Fruit Loops because they have larger holes than Cheerios. It proved to be a good choice, because of the varied color choice. It made a great conversation...
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