Gratitude is the ability to BE thankful and appreciative. Gratitude centers us…bringing us back to kindness and being present with the blessings in our lives. It’s not something that we are born with but rather a skill that needs to be practiced.
And y’all, it’s not just something our kids need to practice (at least in our family). So if you have ever had a bad day, the mindful practice of gratitude is for you. You know that day…the day when everything is spiraling and just getting worse and worse.
When you just want to curl up back in bed and hide. It’s not easy to see the positives and that negative energy from others (or even ourselves) trickles into our thoughts and impacts how we interact with the world. Take a moment…Pause…Breathe…Shift your mindset and start thinking about what you are grateful for in your life.
This mindful practice trains your brain to slow down and notice and reflect on your state of mind, your thoughts, and even your momentum in the world. I teach my kids gratitude because it is important for their self-care as turning into the joys and kindness of our world nourishes their mind and spirit.
Here’s some of our favorite ways we practice gratitude:
In the morning, we pause to breathe deeply and give thanks for a new day.
Practice gratitude on a walk by noticing the treasures in nature.
Fill out a Gratitude Bubble Blurb sheet that matches the season. (I love seeing what my kids write on their blurbs throughout the year!)
Today is the best day to start intentionally practicing gratitude with your family. How will you start?