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December 16, 2010

Oh, Christmas Tree!

It is a tradition of my side of the family to cut down our Christmas tree for the Holiday. We traipse aimlessly through the rows and rows of trees to find the “perfect” one. Everyone has such different opinions as to which one that is, so there are funny arguments, and freezing fingers along the way. We sing Christmas songs and try to defend OUR pick. This was the first year we brought Buga along for the tradition. Though she is a little young to get into the whole thing, she just loved being outside….running through the tree field…singing songs…making friends…and making a case for HER “perfect” Christmas tree. We finally decided on one and brought it home where we were happy to warm up by the fire and decorate together. It is these kinds of traditions that make the Holidays so special.What Holiday Traditions do YOU and YOUR FAMILY share? I would LOVE to hear about them! 🙂

And We are Off to Find the PERFECT ONE!

A Stop to Admire the Beautiful Work of a Bird Long Gone.
The Nest we found in one of the trees was a good nature lesson
and a reminder of life’s simple beauties.

Stopping to smell the Pine Trees…
mmm….the smells of the season
You could get lost looking for the perfect tree –
good thing Buga was in a PINK jacket!
Buga making a case for THIS one being THE perfect tree!

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