We recently read “There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly” illustrated by Pam Adams. Buga loved it because it’s a story she has heard in song, so she was able to see along, anticipate the next words, and repeat the refrain.

I made a set of comprehension cards for her so we could talk about the story and retell it. They are also made from smallest to largest so she can play with size relationships as well.

I drew a large picture of the Old Lady so we could put each picture in her “belly” as she swallowed the fly.

I also laminated the picture so Buga could color it, or draw the animals inside her tummy, with dry erase crayons and we could erase them when she was done.
I love the idea of playing with the books we read together. It’s a great way to aid in comprehension and further discuss the topics in a book.