Learning Box SubscriptionsSubscription Boxes that Make Homeschooling and Learning at Home EASY and FUN!
Learning Box Subscriptions
Subscriptions and Subscription boxes are the perfect way to add some magic and learning through play learning into your homeschool curriculum easily, seamlessly, and without much effort from the parent because everything you need comes in the box – the materials, the lessons, the inspiration, and extended learning opportunities. Most subscriptions boxes even come with access to an online community so you can expand your parenting circle and inspiration access through online community and additional inspiration without much research or time – it’s there for you when you need it. They can be costly, but when I think about the investment from a learning perspective as children and time-saver perspective as a busy grown up homeschooling parent it seems well worth it to build curriculum this way – or to add boxes in subject areas you don’t feel as astute or knowledgeable about yourself. Some kits even offer the option of adding enough sibling materials into the box so that more than one young person can use it without having to invest in a whole other additional crate. An added bonus – it adds magic into your homeschool rhythm – something to look forward to every month. Who doesn’t like receiving some magic in the mail??

Kiwi – Crate (and company)
We started Kiwi Crate when that was the ONLY box they sold – one box for all ages. They have since expanded their crate options significantly. We have continued to support their service by incorporating other options into our homeschool curriculum rotation – Koala Crate for preschool and Tinker Crate for my oldest. I love that it’s a project in a box. It has project instructions along with information about the STEAM learning involved in each month’s theme. I had hoarded a bunch in our basement literally for raining days. At one point in time we were receiving 4-5 boxes a month in various ages and stages. We love this subscription.

Little Passports
We started Little Passports when it was a fledgling subscription box – it may even have been a kickstarter project when I signed up. My oldest, at the time, was maybe 6? We enjoyed it. It was magical and fun and informative. Our favorite part was collecting the passport stamps for the travel case. My little was more into the culture and history than the narrative of the kid travelers but we enjoyed learning a new country upon every arrival! I would definitely consider adding this back into the rotation and am curious to check out some of their other geography crates – ie USA.

Universal Yums
We just signed up for this subscription box because my littles are really big into Country Studies, Culture Studies —- and FOOD ! This seems like a great combination of interests and education. Can’t wait to see what our first box has.

Young Chef’s Club by America’s Test Kitchen https://www.americastestkitchen.com
We have not participated in this Club personally but from everything I have read and seen online, it looks like a great one. And we are huge fan’s of America’s Test Kitchen in general because it’s information, accessible, and filled with practical science and math in real time.

Literati – book club
I am a children’s book coniseur – I have ALWAYS LOVED children’s literacy. We have quite the collection of our own because I believe children’s lit is the perfect way to share information in a beautiful visual and linguistic way to capture the imaginations, hearts, curiosities, and minds of readers of all ages. We do not use this service, but if I were to invest in a children’s book subscriptions service, this would be the one I chose. It is beautiful and curated with care and attention to detail.

Kid Stir
My kiddos are huge kitchen dwellers. They love creating, concocting, testing, experiementing, making, and eating kitchen creations – from healthy snacks and meals to delicious dessert delicacies. It has always been an organic way to include science, math, nutrition, self care, and life skills into our curriculum in a way that brings self esteem and connection in our home. We haven’t tried this subscription yet but it looks fantastic and fun – and I love the idea of the cookbook so young chef’s can add to their expertise knowledge in a tangible way and chart what skills they know over time. What a fun keepsake at the end of a school year!

Yes, another cooking subscription box – this one because I really love the price point and I love how the recipes are visual so pre-readers can see what needs to be done and when. I also love that each kit comes with ways to build your culinary tool collection.

Coding is very new to me. We have a few other coding products that are preschool and elementary school-age friendly. And While I am new to it, I can see the necessity of knowing and using coding skills from an early age.

We use Learning Resource Botley (https://amzn.to/3eIadwP) and we use a kickstarter coding by Cubetto that we really like (https://amzn.to/3cCZO3h).

So if your young person is into coding and into receiving mail this Bitxbox subscription looks like it would be a great fit for your family.

Little Global Citizen
This is one of the more expensive subscription boxes on the list but I love it and its mission so much that I had to include it. I love that it comes with children’s books (which can be expensive) and crafts/activities in each month’s country theme. I also love that it comes with recipes and other ways to explore the culture.

EXPLORE Sensory Bin of the Month Club https://jessicaperkins.com/sensorybinofthemonth
This handmade, Sensory Bin of the Month Club subscription box has been a complete passion project of mine from the beginning. Sensory Play helps ground and root young people. It is tactile and engages all the senses while also adding early foundational learning concepts in a variety of educational disciplines like math, natural science, physical science, mindfulness, creativity, imaginative thinking and problem-solving. Each kit comes with handmade tools and manipulatives that can be used and repurposed (or passed down to a sibling one day!) along with a Ways to Play Guide; Extended Activities to do at home in the same theme; and a book suggestion list to go along with that month’s theme. As a single parent, who homeschools three young people, Sensory Bins have been a sanity-saver. This Sensory Bin of the Month Club is one the only activities that captivates their attention and focus long enough for me to make dinner uninterrupted or allows me to focus on more in-depth engagement with an older sibling.
Do you have a favorite learning subscription box? Let us know which ones you love so we can check them out!

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