Look at this AMAZING kitchen Grandma built for Layla for Christmas. I have been wanting to do this for a long time when I came across some inspiring homemade kid’s kitchens online. We talked about dimensions, components, colors, sizes, etc…and talked some more. I drew up some plans. My Mom repurposed this old entertainment unit she found in the garbage! (…one person’s trash…) Due to weather, sick, and life, I was unable to help her saw, cut, paint, and put together. But she persevered! She wanted to make sure Layla had this for Christmas. And it was ready. It turned out wonderfully! And Layla just adores it – there isn’t a day that goes by that she doesn’t whip up SOMETHING in her kitchen.

The microwave and toaster are from Pottery Barn Kids – there was a store going out of business so I bought both pieces for about $38.00 I think. I think it’s a perfect little edition.
It is still a work in progress – we want to add a back-splash window with a cabinet or something. Maybe convert the under-sink to a dishwasher and pantry. And I would like to have a fold-out counter for eating or food prep. These additions are probably more for me than for her, but it’s so much fun to create!
Layla making and sharing “Carrot Soup”.