by jessicaperkins | Mar 17, 2010 | gram, gramma, grandma,, twinkle
My Mom does a really good job at being a part of my little one’s life – even though she lives an hour and a half away. During the week she calls, she sends notes in the mail, comes to visit whenever she is able and just recently started sending voice...
by jessicaperkins | Mar 1, 2010 | Christmas, fridge, gift, grandma, homemade, kitchen, microwave, oven, pretend, sink
Look at this AMAZING kitchen Grandma built for Layla for Christmas. I have been wanting to do this for a long time when I came across some inspiring homemade kid’s kitchens online. We talked about dimensions, components, colors, sizes, etc…and talked some...
by jessicaperkins | Jun 11, 2009 | chicken, grandma, soup, vegetables, veggies, whole foods
One of my favorite things to make. Easy, hot, healthy, and delicious soup is one of those things to keep around for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Filled with nutrients and yummy goodness it is easy to reheat, freeze, or have right from the stock pot. Every time I make...