Holding with an open palm.
When I was in college I had a professor that taught The Culture of Respect. It was a class where the students WERE the text books. The stories they shared were the value and the connection and the information and the aha.
He had many gifts, one of which was story telling. And he told the story of Hills.
A young man truly and deeply wants his friend to stay close, to hold his hand …. but there is something calling her, and she wants to go find out what it is. So she does. As much as he wants her to stay close; as much as he loves and cares for her; he realizes that holding onto her, forcing her to stay, not letting go means she cannot fulfill her longing. So he holds her hand with an open palm.
I really want you here with me. I love you. But if you need to be somewhere else, for you, whatever the reason might be, you are free to go. Explore. Find out what it is.
This has always resonated deeply with me as a parent. And even as I hold my child’s hand I’m mindful of holding it with an open palm….. free to come, free to go, free to explore, free to take comfort in my presence. Ultimately, free.
I will not hold onto you so tightly that you are unable to roam. I love holding your hand. I love being right here with you, but you are free to roam and free to return. I will always be a landing pad.
May we hold one another with such openness and compassion; vulnerability and peace; love and security.
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