Homeschooling was the educational route that always resonated with me for a number of reasons. But the opportunity and ability to educate the whole child every day was a huge one. �One way I ensure this happens is that I challenge my kids to do something good for each of these parts of them:
Their heart
Their brain
Their body
And their community
This has worked really well because it’s enough of a challenge for each of my kids while still being a small enough number of things that is doable daily.
You may have assumed that we are a screen-free home. But we actually do utilize screens from time to time, but the rule is that there are no screens until these four things are checked off their lists. 💗 we have a downloadable, printable activity pack in the shop if you are interested in doing this at home 🏠

Do Something Good For Your Brain, Heart, Body, Community Every Day!