#SneakPeek at the #secretproject I have been working on!
I am SO EXCITED about this project.
Kindness Kits!!!!
Be the Rainbow in Someone Else’s Storm. – Maya Angelou
Sometimes it can be harrrrrrrrd to see the Silver Lining in life – the Rainbow After the Storm – the Light at the End of the Tunnel. Being thankful when things are going your way is easy….but learning to be grateful through the stormy hours and days can be a challenge. It takes daily practice, flexing our gratitude muscles and being in tune with our Inner Kindness. It’s a simple mindshift….a simple reframe…. playing the gladness game. It may be a simple concept, but it isn’t always easy. That’s why it’s important to practice. To train our brains to make space for gratitude, thankfulness, kindness, love. So we can offer ourselves and each other more compassion and more grace. Every. Single. Day.
What better way to practice than put our Kindness where it counts most – into practice – into action.
Our Kindness Kit will inspire your family to do small acts of service and random acts of kindness with brightly colored Kindness Cards – 40 prompts suggesting things you can do at home and in your community to share the love and…
Spread Kindness Around Like Confetti.
Along with these colorful and adorable Kindness Cards you will receive:
– Kindness Confidential – a blank, line-less journal for taking notes on your o
wn Kindness Practice and Journey.
– A Silver Lining gel pen for documenting your Kindness Journey.
– 5 Positive Vibes notecards you can write a note on the back and send them out into the world or hang them around you home to remind you to flex your Kindness Muscle.
-Kindness is Magic.
-Kindness Begins with Me.
-Spread Kindness Around Like Confetti.
-No Act of Kindness No Matter How Small is Ever Wasted. – Aesop
-Be a Rainbow in Someone Else’s Cloud. – Maya Angelou
– Secret Agent of Kindness Badge to fill out and add a picture.
– BE THE GOOD secret code necklace tags.
– Spread the Love Post*its to stick some joy where others can find it.
– Rainbow Note Paper to write some silver lining messages to a friend.
– Rainbow Gratitude Blurb sheets to practice your mind shift and actively practice Giving Thanks.
– Kindness Stickers – you can stick around like confetti.
– a pinch of Heart Confetti (that has flower seeds in it!!!) you can plant in the ground and watch how your Kindness Seeds grow!
– Access to a private Facebook Group where you can document, post, and share your family’s Kindness Kit Journey with Heart-Centered Secret Kindness Agents !!
For a Limited Time only, our Kindness Kit is on special for $39 (normally $50!!) We want to get these kits into as many hearts and hands as possible!!! (Use code KINDNESSCOUNTS)
Let’s Spread Some Kindness Around Like Confetti!!!!
*cannot be combined with any other promo