I love quality time with my kids.
And if my kids are like your kids, each one of them is uniquely gifted, motivated, and has a different set of interests, so naturally, loving them, means honoring all of these pieces when we spend time together.
With my oldest, we often enjoy tea time together, sometimes accompanied with an audiobook to listen to. We have also been known to enjoy a lovely evening of pampering complete with mani-pedis, make up applications, or creating our own lip gloss.
My middle child is extremely social and extroverted. She loves being out and about, especially if it means we will run into dog-owners. She even loves to make her own dog treats to share with pets she meets. She is also crazy creative and loves to tinker. And at the same time, she has a lot of sensory challenges, so loving her usually involves things like extra snuggles, jumping on the trampoline, or dancing in the body sock.
My youngest is my engineer. He is most motivated when we can take something apart just so he can reconstruct it. And with this child, there are legos. SO MANY Legos. I love seeing what his mind can dream up! When we’re done with Legos, you will probably find us climbing a tree.
How about you? What are the special things you love to do when you make time for that precious one on one time?