Fairy Friends


Let these open-ended wooden pieces delight and inspire your little one to play and dream with a Fairy Friend. This whimsical set includes just enough wood, fabric, and fiber to enchant the imagination and tickle your little fairy's outdoor senses. This set was created with my own, real-life, fairy-loving friend. She doodles and journals and creates and fiddles with these little pieces inside on shivery days...and we bring them with us outside on sunny ones. Find a hollow, a tree trunk, a sitting stump, a mossy green bank, leafy field, or pasture of posies to let these newfound friends dance in the light of creative thinking. Reminiscent of cloud-watching days, let your little one get entwined in the beautiful simplicity and dream-coaxing play of this lovingly packaged Fairy Friend. Each home includes enough pieces to set the stage for a daytime, playtime, mealtime, or nighttime adventure -- whatever your little one and Fairy Friend can dream of together.

Each Fairy Friend includes one of each item in a coordinating color scheme:

- A Fairy House made of felt, cotton fabric, and ribbon measuring approximately 7.5" tall and 5.5" wide.... with enough ribbon to hang from the wrist on walks through the forest or playtimes in the park.
- One Fairy Friend - each measuring approximately 2" tall painted in nontoxic, soy based paint.
- One crinkly leaf in coordinating cotton fabric, felt, and ribbon
- One felt pillow
- 10 pieces painted in the same color as your Fairy Friend and house
- 5 unpainted pieces

Let your little one delight in a dream walk; an investigation of imagination and pretend play; and a get-to-know-you with a new-found friend. You will be amazed and inspired by the conversations you will overhear and the imaginative ways your little one and Fairy Friend play and learn together.

Additional information

Fairy Type

Random, Rose, Hibiscus, Grenadine, Peach Fuzz, Sunflower, Sunny, Kiwi, Emerald, Sky, Sapphire, Iris, Orchid


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