Color Sorting 2


Sensory Color Sorting 2 – Add-on manipulatives to the Sensory Color Sorting Play Set

Looking for some additional rainbow colored objects to explore and sort with your little color enthusiast? This is a great add-on to the Sensory Color Sorting Set available in our shop, or as a stand-alone play set. The wooden “paint sticks” are particularly fun to dip, stir, and match with the included objects, or other objects around the house. Each wand has the name of the color stamped on its handle to help build the recognition between colors and the written words. This set is a great little tool to use in a Sensory Bin, or during a color unit at home or at school.

Build vocabulary by having little ones reach into a bag and pull out something bumpy, soft, square, squishy, hard, puffy, round, rough, smooth, etc. Talk about how each color can look slightly different depending on what type of object it is. Make color collages from the materials included…mix them up, and create again.

Each set comes with 10 different colored paint sticks with their color names to match and,

10 different colors of each of the following items:
-Handmade pom poms
-Striped paper straws
-Corrugated paper cardboard
-Foam paper
-Big fuzzy pipe cleaners

Blue as the sky, as the ocean, as blueberries - Different shades and tints, but all the same “color”. Brown as mud, as tree bark, as an earthworm. Pink as a lollipop, lipstick, or “Pink Sky at Night.”

Use this set as a conversation starter to discuss our world of color.
Use this set as a puzzle to encourage sorting and organization.
Use this set as a game to excite little artists.
Use this set to foster new perspectives of how we look at the colors all around us.

Enjoy playing and discovering our colorful world…time and time again.

* This Play Set contains SMALL PARTS and is not suitable for children who put things in their mouths. *

* As with all Toys, children should be supervised while at play. *

All of my creations were made with your little one in mind. Each piece was designed to nurture child development through open-ended play. These pieces can be used to broaden your little one's understanding and knowledge of our world and were created as early educational toys. I am inspired by the teachings of Montessori; the natural beauty of Waldorf; and incorporate a myriad of other learning-through-play philosophies when I design. It makes me smile to see my made-with-love pieces being toted for use as preschool toys and in natural play settings. Thank you for helping me support little minds, bodies, and imaginations through engaging, hands-on play and discovery.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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