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September 29, 2010

*New Product* Tiny Tickler – Play the Giggle Game

Tiny Tickler

Play a Giggle Game…So important is one-on-one interaction with your baby. With the Tiny Tickler you can play a simple giggle game with even the youngest of explorers. The Tiny Tickler will help your little one begin to understand where her body begins and ends through sensory stimulation and interaction with her favorite person: You! A great way to introduce parts-of-the-body vocabulary and directions like top, bottom, left, and right all while building a healthy sense of ego and engaging her desire to play.

The wooden ring is softly coated in organic, all-natural beeswax and jojoba oil for durability. Gently knotted to the ring are whimsically soft, colorful strands of 100% , bias cut, Habotai silk. Each strand has been hand-dyed.

*Though this is not meant as a teething ring, it provides a great changing table, after bath time or, on-the-go parent-child game partnership that will tickle your little one’s senses time and time again.
The Tiny Tickler – Play the Giggle Game is available at
for $12.00

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