February 19, 2018

It takes a village

It takes a village. Self care is important. No. Essential. Today, forms, that looked like running. I don’t even like running. But I do like solitude. Listening to my thoughts, and only my thoughts. Challenging myself, and only myself. Listening to what I wanted to listen to. My feet pounnding the pavement when it was time to run. Focusing on my breathing when it was time to walk. People like me, with trauma experiences hold their breath. A lot. All the time in fact. It creates more anxiety. Panic. When I run I am in my body. My vehicle. My spirit, moving. Momentum forward. Forced breath. Breathing. Rhythmic. I have to find my breath. I have to be IN my body. That is essential right now. To feel my body. Be. In. My. Body. And to breathe. Deeply. Fully. To be mindful of the inhale. And the exhale. All of it. It’s not always easy. Sometimes it’s hard. Im challenging myself. But it takes a village to be able to show upfor myself TOO. Because I deserve to be seen…. too. And my village, they say “sure, no problem” when I ask if I can sneak away. Self care is no a luxury. Or for everyone else and not for you. It is essential. For you. And for your people. Because self care is your wholeness. And when you can meet your people with your wholeness and not bits and pieces of yourself, it’s better for everyone. Stay the course. Prioritize yourself. Ask. Schedule the time. Take the time. Lean on your village. If you are part of mine, feel free to text me so you can drop your littles off at my place so you can embrace your wholeness. It takes a village. All of us. Nurturing, not just one another’s children —— but ourselves ——- and each other. #ivegotyourback #leanonme #ittakesavillage #lovenotes #jessicaperkins

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