August 30, 2019

Invitations to PLAY

What are you doing this summer to incorporate a bit of magic into your weekly rhythm? Im creating some invitations to play for my family. There is something extra special about being invited to join in. A connective quality. Knowing someone values you and your time enough to invite you to participate in something special. The thing is, that something doesnt have to be pricey or expensive – in money or time. It just has to be intentional. Thought through. Lovingly set up and curated. Im working on some #invitationtoplay printables for #theplayfullway so we can infuse some #cultureofconnection into our everyday family rhythm.Children want to spend time with us. They want to know we care. And that spending time with them is a priority. It doesnt have to be hours and hours. It can be thoughtfully, intentionally, mindfully feeding the meter so they feel loved, valued, cherished.XoxoJessica#howweplay #mamamayi #mamamayishop #mamamayiplay #mindfulmama #mindfulness #mindfulfamily #intentional #playful #play #playmatters #parenting #parents #summer

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