Boundaries are so important to your self care, and I know this because I used to put more weight in pleasing people than setting boundaries to take care of me.
See, for a long time I used to push past my own “no” and allow myself to get bullied into doing things I didn’t want to do – or things that weren’t actually in my best interest.
My desire to please people would override mySELF in order to “not make waves” and “get along” and “be a good girl/daughter/sister/partner/mom”. I pushed past my NO and did it anyways-and when that escalated or unraveled, I was frustrated, angry, or resentful. I had let my own boundary become violated.
This all changed when I began to factor myself in too-my needs, my yeses, and my no’s. I know now that when others think about me unkindly, name-call, or view me differently for TAKING care of ME too (a.k.a. setting boundaries)——- that tells me they never really truly loved or cared about me to begin with.
When setting your boundaries, remember this:
Those who LOVE us will not make us feel guilty, ashamed, or blamed for upholding our own boundaries. Of taking care of ourSELVES TOO. As in, ALSO. Factoring ourselves in. Even if that means saying no to them or disagreeing with them or “going against” their opinion. They will accept these boundaries with both grace and humility.
Share below what boundaries you need to set that will help you take care of yourself! I would love to encourage you in this journey.

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