heart, brain, body, community

I've got a free printable to help you do something good for you - and for those around you.

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Living a holistic life can be the most beautifully-connected experience.

Connection to self, connection to body, connection to spirit, and connection to the world. The micro-system in your home, your bigger family and friendship network, and the wider community that you find yourself in.

There is so much opportunity to set intentions and be a powerful force for good throughout your day.

I always try to give my children the opportunity to do their four things every day. Something good for their heart, brain, body and community. And if I need to, I’ll use this as an incentive to tap into other treats that they’d like to enjoy.

Do your four things and yes, you can absolutely enjoy some screen-time. 


The best part is, when my children engage in PLAY, and get into the FLOW of what they are doing, they often lose interest in screen time anyway – so it’s a win-win. It’s more about cultivating a connected, holistic household anyway.

It’s so rewarding knowing that every day, they’ve participated in activities to fill their cups, minds, bodies, spirits, and community along the way.

It’s time to reconnect

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