by jessicaperkins | Jan 19, 2011 | activity, bin, box, container, development, discovery, early childhood, learning, natural, play, sandbox, Sensory, tactile, texture, time
We have been using Sensory Bins as a way to incorporate the Season or Holiday into our daily routine for awhile now. However, I have not been very good at documenting them until recently. Buga really enjoys playing with different nicknacks in a tub filled with...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 8, 2010 | colors, counting, fish, frolic, game, learning, mama may i shop,, natural, numbers, play, rainbow
Rainbow Fish FrolicFrolic with the Fishes … sort them … count them … catch them if you can!This colorful game is sure to delight your little nature-lover. Each set has ten Rainbow Fishjust waiting to be caught: counted, color-coded, and classified! It is the perfect...
by jessicaperkins | Sep 29, 2010 | baby, game, Giggle, learning, learning toy, mama may i shop,, natural, play, rainbow, Tickler, Tiny, wood, wooden
Tiny TicklerPlay a Giggle Game…So important is one-on-one interaction with your baby. With the Tiny Tickler you can play a simple giggle game with even the youngest of explorers. The Tiny Tickler will help your little one begin to understand where her body begins and...
by jessicaperkins | Sep 23, 2010 | blocks, building, house, mama may i shop,, natural, people, play, pretend, the family box, wood, wooden
I love when Buga comes up with new ways to play with the same toys. Sometimes I feel like we are so bombarded with *new* toys, we don’t take the time to really appreciate the abilities of our oldies-but-goodies. So when we got out our Rainbow Building Blocks and...
by jessicaperkins | Sep 17, 2010 | fun, game, learning,, natural, new product, phonics, play, School, starters, story, word, writing
Who? What? When? Where? … what about WHY?Tell me a story. YOU create the WHY.Storytelling is such a simple and beautiful tradition to share with your wee ones. With only the buttons and beeps and sounds of your own imagination, let these Story Starters inspire a...
by jessicaperkins | Jun 10, 2010 | color, coloring, colors, mama may i shop,, montessori, natural, new, play, product, rainbow, sorting, Toy, waldorf, wooden
*New Product*Sensory Color Sorting Play SetColor-Sort your world!This beautiful color-sorting mat has been quilted together with an array of rainbow colors, 10 in all: Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black, and White. It is almost a yard (36”)...