by jessicaperkins | Mar 10, 2011 | birds, colors, counting, homeschool, Mama May i, mama may i shop, mamamayi,, numbers, School, Spring, spring time, theme, tot
We have been working on our new Theme… Spring time. In keeping with the theme, I pulled out the Nesting A Rainbow Set I made for Buga (and can be found at She loves playing, pretending, and counting with these adorable rainbow bird...
by jessicaperkins | Dec 16, 2010 | activity, Bilibo, colors, fine motor, learning, open ended, play
This is another one of those things I had looked at but never bought…and then I was in the right place at the right time and got this set for $5.00!! I didn’t even know they carried Bilibo…Anyway, it’s one of those great open-ended play things....
by jessicaperkins | Dec 2, 2010 | art, color, colors, experiment, mixing, play, project, science, water
I have been trying to incorporate some more “curriculum” like things into our learning time. Science is one that I have been trying to add in…I bought these really cool test tubes that I know will get a lot of use for different types of activities. I...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 20, 2010 | activity, chopsticks, color, colors, fine motor, learning, pattern, play, pom pom, pom poms, project, skill, tongs
I know I have posted about Pom Poms before but we still use ours for this project so I thought I would post some new pictures and mention it again. It’s a great way to help build fine motor skills and color coding and pattern making. All you need are some Pom...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 8, 2010 | colors, counting, fish, frolic, game, learning, mama may i shop,, natural, numbers, play, rainbow
Rainbow Fish FrolicFrolic with the Fishes … sort them … count them … catch them if you can!This colorful game is sure to delight your little nature-lover. Each set has ten Rainbow Fishjust waiting to be caught: counted, color-coded, and classified! It is the perfect...
by jessicaperkins | Jun 18, 2010 | colors, craft, homemade, learning, puppets, sesame, stick, street, tool
We made these cute little Sesame Street Popsicle Stick Puppets to help with our colors. They are easy to bring with us and “match” things around the house, park, and store. I just copied pages from a coloring book to make the heads, colored them their...