I have had this project in queue for quite some time now. Maybe I am a little obsessive compulsive, but I hate having so many broken crayon nubs around. And don’t get me started on all those crayons that Layla has decided to peel the paper away from – these poor, nameless crayons! Needless to say, ever since we have had a box of broken, paperless crayons around the house I’ve wanted to melt them down into nifty-shaped chunkies to explore with. With Valentine’s day here I had the perfect excuse – heart-shaped chunky to give to
little friends.
1. I started by taking all the papers off the broken crayons.
2. Then I arranged the broken chunks into the silicone heart-shapes
3. Put them in the oven at 225 degrees for about 15 minutes – until the crayons were JUST melted. Because I used multiple colors I didn’t want to move them, for fear of the colors running into one another. I just turned the oven off until they set completely.
4. Then I pulled the hearts out of the cupcake shapes
5. I packaged them in individual cellophane wrappers with a note that said: “You make my heart scribble!”