When Layla was younger…hahaha, “younger”…between 7 months and 15 months old we had a very large, under the bed, tupperware bin filled with Cheerios for her to sit and play in. As she got more and more mobile the Cheerios no longer stayed IN the bin. They were ALL over my floor – in my couch – under my rug – up the steps – in my shoes – EVERYWHERE. Needless to say, my husband made the executive decision to say goodbye to the Cheerio-Sandbox. Ever since then I have wanted to make its comeback but didn’t know the best way to go about it.

I found some really cute little insects toys which specifically sparked my imagination for a pretend “excavation”. I knew she didn’t have to have a HUGE tub to play in to have fun, so I kept it simple. While perusing Target I found a Rubbermaid clear tupperware – shallow enough for her to dig around in – deep enough to have some substance. So the Sensory Tub is BACK!! We started with RICE because I had a bunch in my cabinet. I found a set of Cups and Spoons in the Target Dollar Spot and the archeological dig was ready to go. She had so much fun scooping, pouring, spilling, searching, counting, and sometimes eating the rice.
I like that it’s easy cleanup – everything goes back in the box with a clear lid that snaps into place.