Day 14
Gingerbread House
We save some of our Halloween candy for this crazy gingerbread art project. They always get sugar high. It’s always insane. But it’s so much fun, too! Last year we found a kit at Target that had “mini” houses and I liked that much better than one big one. We each made our own masterpiece and set them up in a village.
I have a friend who did gingerbread houses using graham crackers with our preschool class and the children LOVED them.
I have also seen really cute cardboard gingerbread houses if you would rather not have all the candy.
This life-sized gingerbread house can be found on Inner Child Fun
And this one can be found on Mrs. Goff’s Kinders
This kit can be found at Kiwi Crate
This year I am thinking about turning our Fort Magic into a “gingerbread house” – kind of like these cardboard gingerbread houses but using Fort Magic and some brown felt (and other felt for the candy embellishments).
If you need some music to listen to while you build and create!