I used to work at the Please Touch Museum and a couple years ago (before Fancy Nancy was a big deal) I came across the first book in the book store. I decided to dress up as “Fancy Nancy” for their annual Storybook Ball. Not because she was popular, but because I totally related to the character and thought it would be a splendid way to dress up for the evening. It was a big hit. Little girls ran up to me: “Are YOU Fancy Nancyyyyy???” And I would say: “Absolutely, Darling.” and we would sit and read the story together – in my most fanciest, story-telling voice, of course. I saved the book for my little one (before I had a little one) secretly hoping to have a little girl who would LOVE sharing the Fancy Nancy tale with me. And to my heart’s delight, I DO!
Dressing up is fun to do. My little Buga comes to me in high heels and bracelets. Sunglasses and hats. “Fancy, Fancy.” She says. We drink tea with our pinkies out. Giggle and call each other Darling. When something’s good, it’s “Magnifique.”