Buckets and Sponges

bucket tossI bought these simple buckets and sponges for some outdoor fun. I thought we could wet them and have a sponge fight or sponge-bucket-toss. Unfortunately it was yucky outside that day, so we stayed inside to play….and we came up with a boatload of ways...

Shadow Chasing

Shadows are so mysterious and yet so beautiful. While the sun beams brightly behind you a magical friend appears before you…the contrast of shapes dance on the sidewalk as you skip, walk, or stroll. Like looking in the mirror it is another way to see...


A so simple experiment with Fluffies (aka pom poms). Great for color sorting, counting, fine motor skills (picking them up here with a spoon, a cup, a pair of tongs) and bringing them over there. This little divider tray came as disposable packaging for some...
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