by jessicaperkins | Oct 18, 2015 | art, dirt, home made, homemade, homeschool, homeschooling, k-cups, KidsInTheKitchen, kitchen, mamamayi, MamaMayiMake, mamamayishop, play dough, playdough, science, unschool, unschooling
My 2-year old loves dirt. He loves digging in dirt.Diggers in dirt.To find worms in dirt.To scoop dirt.To jump in dirt mixed with water.Dirt.He is also infatuated with finding ants and bugs and worms in dirt.So when I was perusing the Halloween aisle and happened...
by jessicaperkins | Aug 2, 2012 | activity, beach, coconut, dough, kids, kitchen, natural play, ocean, play, playdough, preschool, totschool
We have been making Play Dough seasonally, which seems to work out well. We choose a different color and scent depending on what we are exploring for the season. This Summer we chose to make Yellow Play Dough with Gold Glitter and Coconut Extract (it smells like...
by jessicaperkins | Sep 25, 2011 | art, foam, playdough, project, texture, tot school, totschool
We played with this stuff in the project room at the Please Touch Museum and had to buy some before we left. A whole new texture to playdough – it’s supposed to never dry out. Buga has been enjoying this new textural medium immensely. It’s kind of...