by jessicaperkins | Jan 18, 2019 | love, LovingKindness, self love, selfcare
The only thing i can control is myself. Stay in my lane. Layla tells me that’s just a “nice way of saying ‘mind your own business’”. I guess she’s right. It’s a phrase I say to them often. Stay in your lane. The only thing you can control is yourself. No matter how...
by jessicaperkins | Apr 14, 2016 | gratitude, love, mama, mindful sma, mindfulness, mindfulparenting, mom, mothering, reflecting, self are
I have been giving a lot of thought lately to where I find MyHappy. Somewhere on the path of motherhood I lost site of that heartspot. That place where I find my zen. My zone. My flow. Where I can just be and relish and bask in the wonder of my own thoughts and my own...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 14, 2015 | giving thanks, GladGame, gratitude, happy, kindness, love, LovingKindness, mamamayi, MamaMayILearn, MamaMayILove, mamamayishop, MindfulKids, mindfulness, thankfulness, thanks, yoga kids
Today I had the privilege of taking my 7-year old (alone) on errands with me. Wow. One. One, older child…is so easy and light to travel with. She’s so self-sufficient. Buckling and unbuckling…alone. Helping open doors and carrying things. We actually...
by jessicaperkins | Sep 28, 2015 | journal, kids craft, love, parenting, Peaceful parenting, sewing
I did not want to do this. I did NOT want to do this. At 7:15 at night. I did not want to start a project, help her pull out her sewing machine and get to work. I DID NOT.But then…I remembered that she used her nice words to ask me…And I remembered that,...
by jessicaperkins | Jul 16, 2011 | baby, big sister, love, new, sisters
Making Fast Friends 🙂
by jessicaperkins | Sep 13, 2010 | Alphabet, eye, Fiddle Fab, love, lovey, mama may i shop,, spy, tinker square, welcome home present
I recently received an e-mail update from a Mama who bought a Tinker Square from my shop. I LOVE getting these updates because I put so much time and love into making each of my handmade pieces… and it warms my heart to see them go out into the world and...