by jessicaperkins | Oct 18, 2015 | art, dirt, home made, homemade, homeschool, homeschooling, k-cups, KidsInTheKitchen, kitchen, mamamayi, MamaMayiMake, mamamayishop, play dough, playdough, science, unschool, unschooling
My 2-year old loves dirt. He loves digging in dirt.Diggers in dirt.To find worms in dirt.To scoop dirt.To jump in dirt mixed with water.Dirt.He is also infatuated with finding ants and bugs and worms in dirt.So when I was perusing the Halloween aisle and happened...
by jessicaperkins | Aug 13, 2015 | homemade, homeschool, Ice cream, kitchen science, recipe, science
We went to the Carnegie Science Center last week and one of the demonstrations we saw was about how to make ice cream. It was a delicious experiment and my little chef was very interested in the science, discovery, and of course, the end result – taste-testing...
by jessicaperkins | Nov 8, 2011 | dolliloops, dolls, dolly, handmade, homemade, Mama May i, mamamayi, mamamayishop,, Toy
I love when my little one’s are left to discover and play with things I’ve created and made for them. It truly warms my heart like nothing other. Boo absolutely LOVES her Dolliloop. I didn’t think she would be ready to play with it for a while, but...
by jessicaperkins | Jun 15, 2011 | baby, eyes, hand, handmade, homemade, mobile, montessori, natural, natural play, newborn, Toy, visual
I am excited to introduce mobiles to Lil’ on her movement mat (when we finally put the nursery together). For now, I make-shifted a movement mat. I also created my very first mobile, which I am pretty excited about. It is a Rainbow Mobile which I think may be a...
by jessicaperkins | Jun 18, 2010 | colors, craft, homemade, learning, puppets, sesame, stick, street, tool
We made these cute little Sesame Street Popsicle Stick Puppets to help with our colors. They are easy to bring with us and “match” things around the house, park, and store. I just copied pages from a coloring book to make the heads, colored them their...
by jessicaperkins | Mar 1, 2010 | Christmas, fridge, gift, grandma, homemade, kitchen, microwave, oven, pretend, sink
Look at this AMAZING kitchen Grandma built for Layla for Christmas. I have been wanting to do this for a long time when I came across some inspiring homemade kid’s kitchens online. We talked about dimensions, components, colors, sizes, etc…and talked some...