by jessicaperkins | Mar 4, 2016 | art, glue, homeschool, Kidsart, mamamayi, MamaMayiMake, mamamayishop, mess, mindfulparenting, sculpture, toddler, totschool, unschool, wood, wooden
Lincoln loves glue. #loves . Like, love loves. He likes to squeeze it. To touch it. Smoosh it. Smear it. Sometimes taste it. Squeezing the glue bottle is such a great fine motor skill builder – he is building up the strength in his hands. I cut a square...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 30, 2011 | art, coloring, craft, fall, glue, halloween, Language, poem, preschool, project, seasonal, totschool
A Haunted Halloween Project. Buga and I made this Haunted House project (Thanks, Mom!) as one of our Art projects. There were two sections to color – the top of the house and the bottom. Buga REALLY wanted us to color the house, together – which I try not...
by jessicaperkins | May 2, 2011 | activity, corn starch, experiment, gak, glue, goo, kitchen, liquid, science, Sensory, silly putty, texture
We recently made Silly Putty as a “birthday present” for Daddy. I always try to have Buga get involved in drawing or making something for birthdays. She likes to help out and I think it’s important to teach the notion of giving to others. Daddy likes...
by jessicaperkins | Apr 26, 2011 | art, artwork, book, collage, crayons, cutting, drawing, glue, homeschool, literature, picture, project, scissors, tall tall grass, tot school
We have been reading stories and doing story art projects a lot this Spring. I like that we are exploring different types of materials and relating them to books we’ve read. It helps build story-telling skills, memory, and most of all comprehension. Buga likes...