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Mama May I Book A Day Countdown to Christmas Day 7

Day 7Tradition of Love and KindnessThe Little Match GirlThis is kind of a heavy story but a classic Anderson tale beautifully brought to life by Rachel Isadora. The topic may be too much for some little ones (it makes me cry every time I read it) but I believe...

Mama May I Book A Day Countdown to Christmas Day 6

 Day 6SnowSnow Wonder We’re FriendsSensory PlayFake Snow1/2 c white conditioner3 c baking sodaAdd waterproof taillights&glass ice cubes for extra sensory funA Magical ChristmasSnow CraftThese simple snow jars are incredibly cute and can pull...

Mama May I Book A Day Countdown to Christmas Day 5

Day 5MusicInvitation to Make Jingle Bells: Simply string bells onto pipe cleaners, twist to close. You can turn them into bracelets, stick bells, or make more elaborate bell sculptures. What you need:Bells of different sizesPipe CleanersThis Bell Sticks are cute via...

Mama May I Book A Day Countdown to Christmas Day 4

Day 4CookiesMama May iLittle Boo’s Bakery in-a-boxPretend PlayIf you don’t have a set like this you can make a Baking Sensory Bin. Use oatmeal as a base or flour or cornstarch. Add Measuring cupsMeasuring spoonsWhiskWooden spoonCupcake tinsCookie...

Mama May I Book A Day Countdown to Christmas Day 1

Our Christmas Countdown is begins with … Christmas Countdown books!Curious George has been a favorite character in our house since my oldest (now 7.5) was a baby. We are all very curious, like George, so the stories have always been relatable!The Curious George...