by jessicaperkins | Dec 28, 2011 | art, baby, cognitive, development, mobile, motion, rainbow
I didn’t realize how much little ones liked mobile until Boo arrived. I quickly learned that even a fussy, high needs baby, could be soothed by a little smackeral of something floating or moving overhead. At home we have this wonderful Butterfly Mobile that...
by jessicaperkins | Jul 16, 2011 | baby, big sister, love, new, sisters
Making Fast Friends 🙂
by jessicaperkins | Jun 16, 2011 | baby, birth, birth story, childbirth, day, journal, newborn
I can’t believe she is a month old already. I posted our birth story on Facebook the week after she was born, but I wanted to post it here, too. Mostly for my own personal journaling reference. I want the girls to have it to look back on some day. If you...
by jessicaperkins | Jun 15, 2011 | baby, eyes, hand, handmade, homemade, mobile, montessori, natural, natural play, newborn, Toy, visual
I am excited to introduce mobiles to Lil’ on her movement mat (when we finally put the nursery together). For now, I make-shifted a movement mat. I also created my very first mobile, which I am pretty excited about. It is a Rainbow Mobile which I think may be a...
by jessicaperkins | Jun 6, 2011 | announcement, baby, birth, birthday, delivery, girl, labor, little, new, welcome
We are so incredibly excited to welcome a little baby girl into our family – with open arms! Lil’ Boo was born on a Saturday morning in May. She measured almost 21″ long and weighed 10 lb 2 oz and yet I managed to push her out into this world on my...
by jessicaperkins | Oct 25, 2010 | announcement, baby, big sister, friend, moments, new, new baby, picture, ultrasound, wordless
We are so happy to announce that we are expecting a new little one in the Spring – sometime in May !!Buga has already noticed the baby bump and is excited to be a big sister.